I had a fun filled weekend visiting my friend Wing in Minneapolis and met some of her college friends, Tintin, Benedict, and his gf Jenny. I forgot how much fun it is to hang out with Hong Kong people. It was homey being with them. They were the antidote to my homesickness. All weekend I was speaking in cantonese, ate plenty of good asian cuisine, and played the popular chinese game mahjong. It's the most fun I have had for a long time. Wing's friends were very nice to me and made me feel welcomed. Canoeing at Taylor's Fall was fun. Apparently I forgot all my canoeing skill. There were 5 of us, so Wing, Tintin and I were in the same canoe. I sat in the middle of the most because Wing had never canoed before, so I let her had most of the fun. I got wet a few times from her paddling. I hope we can do it again sometime soon. Peter didn't go with me this time, and I think it worked out okay. Being as great of a husband as he is, he never once complains about my friends and I speaking in cantonese in front of him. Although he doesn't mind not being able to understand and join in our conversations, I know it can get really boring. Other than that, I love traveling with him.