Today is the first "official" potty train day for us. We have decided we need to start potty training Eli whether he's ready or not. We got the pull-ups and paper towels ready. Turned out Eli wanted to potty train himself. He didn't want me to help him get into position. We stood in front of the toilet, I pulled his pull-up down, and he went up the step and sat on the seat backward. I learned this from a friend at work. We waited and waited, he never produced anything. Then he got down the step, tip-toed next to the toilet, and pull his you know what up over the seat. He's trying to do it like a man, but there's still nothing. I was happy to see at least he knew what he's supposed to do. I went into the kitchen and called my husband with the good news, then there it was Eli standing in front of the kitchen with his naked butt and started peeing all over the floor.