Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some activities in this boring house. Playing blocks, or as Eli says it "bocks", and watching tv. 
These awesome blocks are Eli's Christmas gift from great grandma last year, I think. She was a teacher, so she always got Eli educational gifts. These ones she found have Chinese writing on them. Aren't they cool?! 
Then, The Wizard of Oz was on tv. I have never liked it, but Eli was sucked in. I thought the green witch was really scary, and she still is. This movie is really strange, kinda like the Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.  

Eli's new socks. You know having a small child with eczema is really hard. His skin was better, so we weren't as diligent with our routine. We ran out of allergy medicine and didn't lotion him up everyday, and we ended up with mummy legs. Poor child was in such discomfort and pain, that caused few sleepless nights for all of us. He's getting better.