I had a sudden craving for cheesecake yesterday, and I used a recipe from Martha Stewart living to make a cheesecake with blueberry topping. This is the simplest cheesecake recipe I have ever made, yet it's so rich and creamy. After putting Eli to sleep, I stayed up to bake the cheesecake. This tells you how bad I wanted it. I was so tempted to take a bite after it came out of the oven, but of course every baker knows you have to refrigerate a cheesecake for at least eight hours or overnight before it can reach the right consistency. I didn't go to bed until one in the morning, and I had to wake up at five to feed Eli. Although I was very sleepy, I couldn't help but to serve myself a slice of cheesecake before I went back to bed. That was good breakfast. For lunch today, I made a curry chicken salad sandwich. I used the recipe from my friend Amanda. I chose to use a store bought rotisserie chicken instead of making my own, and I think it added extra flavor.