Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fudge! Got disconnected in the middle of blogging. Don't you hate that? So here I am have to rewrite everything.

I had a rough week last week, made a couple mistakes at work, though not life threathening, but I felt terrible about it. I could't let it go for a few days. I know we are all human and are not perfect, but I need to be super extra careful.

Peter and I have been thinking about joining the church we attend to. We met with our pastor yesterday to discuss the process. We will have few more meetings and to go through the Belgic Confession. For me, I will have to be baptized and also profess my faith first. Although I'm looking forward to it, I'm also very nervous about the baptism. I know it's a big committment, and it's going to be such a profound experience. I pray that God will give me strength and wisdom to go through it.

Recently I have taken up running. I have only been running on treadmill since it's been freezing outside. Although it's still dreadful sometimes, I somehow enjoy it, especially with some good music. Also I started writing a journal. Even though I enjoy blogging, and it's so convenient, some of my thoughts are too personal, and with me changing my blog so often, I don't want to lose some of the important ones (thoughts).

Monday, January 22, 2007

I have not stopped thinking about the movie pan's labyrinth ever since I saw it yesterday. I really enjoyed it and think it's the best movie I have seen since LOTRs. However, I can't seem to get over how depressing it was. A young lonely girl used her imagination to escape the dark cruel world she was living in. Although her fantacy might have kept her happy, I couldn't help to feel sad for her for the fact that she couldn't tell her imaginary world from the real world. Come to think of it, I never had any imaginary friends when I was little. I had great imaginations, but I never had the imaginary and the real mixed up. Maybe the real world we are living in is cruel, cold, and ugly, but we can't keep escaping it. I know my faith gives me hope, and that's not just my imagination.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

We went to see Pan's Labyrinth today. We had been anticipating this one for a while. This is not a mere fantacy movie that the TV commercial may portrait it for, it's a very dark fairy tale like movie without a fairy tale ending. It left me feeling depressed. Because of its brutalness and violence, it's definitely not for children. I have not seen anything so imaginative for a long time. This movie is simply brilliant, and it's one that you would want to see it in theater.

On a lighter note, Schroeder got a new jersey and he loves it!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Just saw Children of Men tonight. It got a good storyline, but the ending wasn't satisfying to me. It's still worth to go see in the theater I think.

We taught Schroeder to sit and shake hand today, Yay!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I can't believe how much work it is to have a puppy. You have to potty train them, walk them, feed them, and walk them again.We haven't gotten the routine down yet, so Schroder still has some mishaps here and there. I wish we could put a diaper on him. They do that to monkeys, why not doggies? I took him for a walk yesterday, he's getting better with walking on leash. Someone stopped me on the sidewalk and asked what kind of dog Schroeder is. They thought he's cute. Hee~

Monday, January 01, 2007

Holy crap! It's 2007 already! I can't believe how fast this past year went by. Of course I say that every year ever since I turned 21, don't know why. I decided not to make any resolution this year. I'm just gonna put everything in God's hands. I spent today making truffles, taking down Christmas tree and decorations, and cleaning up the place a bit. The truffles were very easy to make, just a little messy, chocolate covered fingers, yum. They turned out quiet good, except I put a little too much cocoa powder on the outside. They were my gift to Peter. I'm glad he enjoyed them. Also, we finally got some snow on the last day of 2006.

On a different subject, Schroeder may have worms, AHH... We saw something suspicious yesterday. Needless to say, it was pretty gross. I'm going to have to take him to the vet soon. Poor doggie.