Tuesday, July 11, 2006

King Kong

Peter started his new job yesterday. It was weird to see him at work wearing a Mercy name badge. We had lunch together and I got to introduce him to some of co-workers. We went to bed super early last night, around 9 because Peter had to work at 6:30 this morning. We must have been really tired because we felt asleep with the lamp on. We usually talk a little bit before we turn off the light and sleep, apparently our conversation didn't go very far last night. This morning I woke up and screamed at Peter, "Get Up! You are Late!" Then I realized it was only 2 in the morning. My clock was still flashing 10 o'clock from the power outage yesterday, I thought it was 10 am. Gee, I'm more anxious for his work than he is.

We saw King Kong the other night, and it was one of the worst movies I have seen lately. Yes, the worst. The special effect was cheesy, especially the scene where they were running between the legs of bunch of running dinosaurs. It looked like those things they have in science museum where you can make your own adventure scene in front of a green screen. It's that bad. Also I didn't really care about any of the characters. It made me mad to see Ann crying when they were throwing chloroform bottles at King Kong while it's attacking the other characters and already killed a bunch. What the hell is wrong with this woman? I just don't get it. Maybe she just felt bad for the animal, but they made it look like there's some kind of romantic thing going on. I don't think a gorilla is capable of falling in love with a tiny woman even though it knows kung-fu moves. Did anyone see how it fought the other dinosaurs? The whole movie is so fake and not convincing at all, not that I want to believe it's true. It's not even entertaining. What happened to the greatest director that directed LOTRs? It clearly shows that he has more respect and passion for LOTRs than King Kong. Who wouldn't?

Little update on the job, they are still interviewing people. Already five people have been interviewed and only one position. My chance is getting smaller and smaller. Oh well, I think I'm going to forget about it. This way I'm not going to be disappointed if I don't get it, and it will be a nice surprise when I do get it =)