Friday, October 30, 2009

Day care week one

It's the first week of day care for Eli. The first day I took him there, he couldn't wait to get down and play. He didn't even look twice at me. Then the second day, he was hesitated at first, but as soon as he saw the other kids and the toys, he couldn't let go of me any faster. The third day, I had to sit down with him for a while. He just woke up from a nap, and he wasn't sure about the kids and staffs that day. When he started playing, I left the room quietly, but he noticed and ran to the door. I waited behind the door, there wasn't crying, but there were a lot of banging on the door. Husband said every time he picked Eli up from the day care, he would run right to him and had his arms up ready for pick up. I'm not sure if it's because his nap schedule has been interrupted these days because of day care, he seems more irritated. He usually naps from between two and four in the afternoon, and that's the time he goes to day care now. Today, he stayed home with me since it's my day off. He was a happy camper, and we had a good day. After husband got off from work. we decided to go to the Y. Eli sometimes cries a little when we dropped him off at the child care at the Y, but today, he started crying when we left the house. He settled down some in the car, but as soon as we took him to the child care room, he screamed and screamed. We left and waited outside the room. Finally we couldn't stand the sound of our son's scream, it broke our hearts. I'm not sure what's going on. I guess he's not loving this whole day care thing as much as we thought. I hope we will be better next week.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Brownie fail

With Eli's eggs, milk, peanuts allergies, he's really missing out a lot of delicious food in life, brownies is one of them. So you I was delighted to see this.

I was so excited. Finally Eli can have a brownie, and here's what happened...

FAIL! Major FAIL. The brownie turned out so mushy, you can't even cut it into pieces. What on earth happened here?!

We fed Eli the brownie mush with a spoon. He had a couple bites and was done. Arrgh, now we have no brownies, a messy kitchen and an angry mom.