Friday, July 22, 2011

Today, I took my parents and my boys to the mall. Once we arrived to the play area at the mall, Eli was standing on this thing in the middle of the play area. Then I saw a boy lying on the ground, and Eli was laughing. Apparently he had fallen down few steps. This boy's father went over there to pick the boy up, and he turned to Eli with a seriously angry tone saying "It's not funny!". Everyone was looking at them. My first reaction was oh crap, my kid pushed someone down. I went over and apologized as the father was walking away with his boy. I don't know if he heard me. When Eli saw me, he was afraid I was going to spank him. I must had that spanking look on my face. I was dying of embarrassment. I told Eli he can't push people and that he needed to go and tell them he's sorry. He ended up only telling me he's sorry. 

Needless to say, I was so terribly upset. I thought this is a nightmare. Why can't my kids behave in public? I called my husband and told him what happened. He was telling me to let it go, he said Eli was just being a kid, a boy. Of course we both know that we teach our kids to play nice and be fair to other kids. Also, there have been other kids pushing Eli before, we had always taught him to not take that too seriously. It's what kids do when they play. I know I shouldn't be so hard on him and myself today. I really didn't see what happened exactly. I don't know if Eli had pushed that boy, or he just thought it was funny that the boy fell down on his own. I know my Eli, if that boy was hurt and crying, he wouldn't be laughing. That boy was just lying there and didn't make a sound. If Eli did push the boy down, I'm sure the father would have said something more that just that. I was so concerned by what other people might have thought of me as a mother, I wasn't able to enjoy my time there with my family. I always try to be the best mom I can be, and I hope that's enough.