Monday, July 21, 2008

crafty mind

I have been trying to be crafty, but I haven't had much time lately. Also I'm not as motivated as I hope to be. The first thing I need to do to get my crafty spirit going is to create a craft work space for myself. We have a big basement that's not being used much right now. We just need to install some good lighting down there. I also need a nice big table to do all my drawing and cutting. I want a table with simple design, a smooth top with four straight legs. Once I get that, I will need a new sewing machine and few sewing supplies then I will be good to go. We will see if we can get this going in the next couple months.


Wing said...

Sounds like a trip to Ikea to me! ;)

Chenni said...

yes! actually I saw a table in the ikea catalog that would work great.

Amanda said...

Chenni, I got my table from WALMART. It's the kid we have at church. I put velcro on it and a little skirt to hid the underneath so I can have storage. They have the tables at Costco too. Amanda

Chenni said...

thanks for the suggestions Amanda. I will definitely go check it out.