Saturday, September 13, 2008

socks suck

The only thing I don't like about the fall and winter is I have to start wearing socks. I recently realized how much I hate wearing socks. The other day it was raining, so I thought I had to wear shoes to keep my feet and toes dry. I was having the most difficult time to find a matching pair. Then I decided to screw it and just let my feet and pants get wet. That was probably my fault, because we put all our clean clothes on the bed in the guest room, and we don't bother to fold them. I also hate wearing socks because they make my feet itch. I have been wearing slippers all summer, and my feet loved it. Now I have to suffocate them with socks. It stinks. So will my feet.


Happy Growing said...

Hey Chenni! This post made me laugh since sock issues run in my family! One of my problems is with any sock that has synthetic fiber in it - drives me over the edge. There are 100% organic cotton socks on the market. Have you tried those? They aren't cheap but then how much is our sanity worth?! You may end up loving them so much that you fold them and put them in your drawer where you can always find them - hee, hee, hee! Good luck!

Chenni said...

Thanks Jill. I think I just hate folding clothes in general. I had attempted to fold my socks before. Which by the way, folding socks is an art of itself. I like to roll them up. Anyway, I will give it another try. I'm sick of losing mine and peter's socks.