Tuesday, November 25, 2008

awkward childhood

This picture makes it look like I was born in an old era. I'm only twenty eight.

There are so many things wrong with this picture. Why were my cousin and I eating apples outside, why did my mom allow me to wear that, and why was this taken???

I look a lot like Eli in this one.

I'm not sure what we are trying to capture here. Maybe to show that we love climbing on metal bars.

I was thrilled.

Look at the makeup our moms put on us. I got an expression to go with it too.

Classic pose of the 80s.

By the way, do people know it's wrong to have Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving?


Anonymous said...

WAH~ 你細個VS而家,冇乜大分別WOR

Happy Growing said...

Chenni this post is awesome! You were adorable and your sense of humor just jumps right out of those pictures - great! And YES, YES, YES it is wrong to have those decorations up before Thanksgiving. If you must put them up then at least don't turn them on until the Friday after Thanksgiving! Have a great holiday and how exciting to be celebrating Eli's first turkey day!

Amanda said...

LOVE the pictures! And no it's not wrong to have Christmas decor up!

Chenni said...

LOL. I guess someone has her decorations up already. I don't put it up that early, but I have a tendency to keep those decors on until Valentine's day. That's bad too, isn't it?

mama2boys said...

awe! I think you are/were cute! And Eli does look a lot like you! :-)
(but Greyson doesn't think you look like Mulan anymore in these pictures
:-( LOL!!)