Friday, January 02, 2009

holy crap what happened

What happened to 2008? Were there really 366 days? Time really flies when you are having fun, or when you have a baby. I have no idea how my husband and I managed to survive our first year as parents. We probably would have died if my mom wasn't here for the first six months. She's a little upset that she is missing out all the cute and funny things Eli does now. When she left in June, Eli was still just a baby that ate, pooped, cried and lay around all day. Now he's walking, talking, laughing, all that good stuff. If she had a choice now, she would come see Eli everyday. I don't have any resolution for 2009. I just want to make it to 2010. I look back in 2008, here are some of the things I experienced.

I miss...
Staying up til five in the morning and sleeping pass noon.
Going to movies and not worrying about having to get home soon.
Being able to just grab my purse and go.
Enjoying my meal.
Peace and quiet.

I'm grateful for...
Waken up to Eli's babbling.
Poopy diapers because that means Eli is healthy.
Eli's baby teeth.
Bananas, Eli's favorite snack.
Strong arms to carry Eli around.
Warm weather that is good for Eli's skin.
Hand held shower head for Eli's bath.
Cuddle time with Eli.
Hugs from Eli.
The big happy smile on Eli's face every time he sees us.

In 2009, I look forward to...
Hearing Eli's words.
Eli being able to feed hinmself.
More baby smiles.
More cuddling.
More hugs.
And more hair.

In 2009, maybe another baby? Nah, we will save that for 2010.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Seriously where did it go? But honestly I feel like Eli's always been with you guys. I don't remember you without him!