Saturday, August 29, 2009

zoo nightmare

We thought we would enjoy a nice cool day at the zoo this morning, WRONG! Last time we took Eli to the zoo, we ended up never leaving the petting zoo area, and when we were leaving, Eli made a big scene. You would think that we have learned our lesson, WRONG again! It was worse this time. Since we started at the barn animals area last time, we didn't have a chance to show Eli the really cool animals like lions, tigers, and giraffes. So I thought we would go to the Africa section first this time. I don't know what's wrong with this kid, he was throwing a fit when we went to see the giraffes. No appreciation of these beautiful creatures whatsoever. He threw himself on the ground, and the worst of all, there were people around. I have dealt with him crying and kicking, but this? I didn't know what to do, and Peter certainly wasn't helping either. We were both standing there looking at him, while others passing us by. Seriously, the giraffes may as well be dinosaurs, and he still would not care. He wasn't happy until we were back at the petting area. New rule, no more zoo trip for Eli until he can actually name the animals.

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