Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's the Lord's day and we tried to make it fruitful. We had church, of course, this morning. Isaac has been so clingy and whinny lately. I had nursery duty today, and he didn't like to see me holding other babies. I think it's sweet that he likes me that much to not wanting to share me, but the crying and throwing himself on the ground was a bit much. I'm not sure, but I think he might be going through the terrible twos. It just seems like lately he has been upset about every little thing. His older brother was a difficult baby and toddler, so it's like having a terrible twos stage that lasted for a few years. We were used to that though. Issac, on the other hand, was such an easy baby. So, to see him acting like a regular kid now is throwing me for a loop. I'm hoping this will stop soon.

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